UPDATE: NSSBCU Wage Harmonization
Since the ratification of collective agreements in May and June, we have begun the process of harmonizing wages across the province. The goal is to raise the hourly rate for education support staff up to the highest rate within each classification, where there is a reasonable comparator.
The joint union-employer committee has met six times since mid-June to review classifications of all support staff in the K-12 sector in Nova Scotia.
At our last meeting, on October 31, we discussed one classification from the Student Support group and the Student Supervision classifications.
To date, we have discussed 7 of the classification groupings:
- Secretarial (except for the Account Clerk)
- Technology
- Student Support (except for CYCP & Parent Navigator)
- Property Services
- Transportation
- Library Services
- Student Supervision
We have not yet reviewed the cafeteria classifications.
We have agreement in principle on 8 different classifications in the Secretarial, Student Support and Library Services groups.
We may have agreement on another 6 classifications in the Student Supervision, Property Services and Technology groups, but there are some bigger issues that we will need to deal with before we can finalize these.
We have not been able to come to agreement on the bare rate— the rate that we use as the starting point for the comparison.(The datefor the bare rate is December1, 2022.)This will need to be decided through arbitration as it has an effect on the process.
We have agreed on the arbitrator who will hear the issue around the bare rate, and we will be working to set dates as soon as possible. As well, we hope to get confirmation of additional joint meeting dates to review the outstanding classifications shortly. We have provided availability to the employers for the 2nd and 3rd week of November to do this.
The committee continues to work very hard to get this important work completed. Thanks to all of the members for their continued support and patience.
:sm/cope 491